MANSUS @ RAPID + TCT 2024 — Valentin Storz, Nano Dimension

Sustainability in Electronics Manufacturing: Nano Dimension’s Innovative Approach

As the electronics industry continues to advance, the environmental implications of traditional manufacturing methods have come under increasing scrutiny. Nano Dimension is one company signposting the way towards reduced environmental impact of electronics production through innovative technologies.

Valentin Storz, Vice President of Marketing at Nano Dimension, recently shared insights into the company’s approach to sustainable manufacturing. Central to their efforts is the integration of 3D printing into the production of electronic components—a process they refer to as additively manufactured electronics (AME).

A New Approach to Electronics Manufacturing

Traditional printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing is a complex and resource-intensive process. It involves the use of numerous wet chemicals, drilling, etching, and electroplating, all of which contribute to significant environmental waste. According to a recent discussion in Japan, producing a single square meter of PCB can generate up to 60 kilograms of waste. This figure underscores the environmental challenges associated with conventional PCB production.

Nano Dimension’s AME technology offers a promising alternative. By utilizing 3D printing, the company eliminates many of the traditional steps in PCB manufacturing, significantly reducing waste and environmental impact. The process is designed to place materials only where needed, which leads to a reduction in waste by up to 96% and a decrease in CO2 emissions by more than 90%.

In addition to its environmental benefits, AME technology also addresses supply chain resilience. By enabling local production of electronics, particularly in North America, Nano Dimension’s approach could help mitigate risks associated with global supply chains.

Strategic Expansion and Technological Innovation

Nano Dimension’s growth strategy has been twofold: organic expansion and strategic acquisitions. Initially focused on additively manufactured electronics, the company has broadened its expertise to encompass other areas of additive manufacturing.

For instance, the acquisition of Essemtec allowed Nano Dimension to expand into micro additive manufacturing, which is increasingly relevant for producing small, precise components required in various industries, including medical devices and sustainable energy technologies. Similarly, the acquisition of Micron Precision Printing has enhanced their capabilities in advanced ceramics 3D printing.

In addition to hardware advancements, Nano Dimension is also making significant strides in software innovation. The integration of deep learning technologies, acquired through Deep Cube, enables real-time process control and optimization. Another key acquisition, Additive Flow, provides advanced simulation tools that facilitate multi-factor simulations for complex manufacturing processes.

Looking Forward

Nano Dimension’s advancements in additive manufacturing represent a significant shift in how electronic components are produced. By combining mechanical and electronics 3D printing with cutting-edge software solutions, the company is contributing to broader industry efforts to reduce environmental impact and enhance production efficiency.

The applications of these technologies are extensive, ranging from the production of small, precise components with the Fabrica machine to ceramic parts used in radio frequency (RF) applications and sustainable energy solutions.


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Interview– Omar Fergani, 1000 Kelvin